Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Honeymoon phase might be over...

I think I have come to that point where all the glitz and glam of being abroad is starting to fade... I miss home. I went to a dinner here, which they call English Table. It is designed so that native English speakers can help local students perfect there conversational English. I loved the concept of it, and also dinner is free! I met some pretty cool people- locals and other foreign students. It was another American that said he also was in the "bottom phase" as he called it. I guess he's started to miss the things in the U.S. that we take for granted, like paper towels for him haha. I miss... hmm... only thing really is Justin and my fam/friends. I guess I'm still intrigued with Hong Kong, but I will say I freaking miss Mexican food the most :-(

Ok well back to the English Table dinner, I had the most funny/awkward/kinda racist experience there. I'll give a little background story: So at the table we played a game with song lyrics and my group within the table won. For the prize they gave us chocolate. People were talking around the table about liking chocolate, and who likes dark chocolate etc... So I mentioned that I kind of hate dark chocolate. This girl, a local student of Hong Kong,  kinda giggles and says "my friends and I kinda have a joke about black people and dark chocolate." She kinda hesitated to say it at first, then some insists she does. So she proceeds to say "we say black people don't eat dark chocolate because they're afraid they might bite off their own finger (hehe) cause they're dark." .......... I WAS NOT expecting this. I think that's what made it so funny to me. I of course, don't think this girl was being intentionally racist, but if I were anyone else that could have been interpreted differently. After the dinner, the girl seen me walking and we ended up having a great conversation. She was really eager to get to know me and take me around Hong Kong some more, but man she really caught me off guard with that joke LOL. I guess I'd expect that from an obnoxious American, but I didn't think Chinese people here even made/ knew jokes like that. Man, what a night... and goodnight for me.


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